From blasting fans to sleeping on rooftop patios, Londoners are doing what they can do beat this heat wave.
For renters in London with no air conditioning, it?s becoming a hot mess and there?s no legal requirement landlords provide air conditioning.
?The only obligation is to provide heat from Sept 1. to June 15, no less than 20 degrees,? said Michael Joudrey of Neighbourhood Legal Services.
It?s nothing new, but tenants are constantly turning to home air conditioners, fans and open windows to find relief.
Erika Faust and her fiance have lived in their apartment in Old South for 31/2 years. They have a portable air conditioner but Faust says it?s not nearly enough to cool the place.
?I do have concerns about how hot the apartment can get. Even with the portable air conditioner going, it can be really warm and stuffy in there. Last summer was just unbearable. On those 40-degree humid days, I felt like I couldn?t breathe,? Faust said.
Stefanie Farrant and her roommate have rented a room in a Platt?s Lane apartment building for more than a year. They recently bought a window air conditioner, but Farrant says she hasn?t seen much of an improvement.
?Honestly, it only makes one of the rooms cold anyway, so we sleep with our doors open and have fans blasting the whole night.?
The health unit recommends landlords provide access to a cooler spot in apartment buildings to help residents cool down.
If you?re feeling over-heated at home, it might be time to get out of the apartment.
?For the apartment buildings, normally if they do not have any cool-off spots, for example, or they are a really old building, we do recommend that residents go to a cooling centre in close proximity to get away for a little while, spend time in a cool place so you can cool yourself down,? said the health unit?s Iqbal Kalsi.
For at least one renting couple, their main concern is for those who may not be able to help themselves.
?My only concern would be for my cat. I do have a couple fans that I keep running to try to keep the apartment at a bearable temperature for her,? said Jeremy Brock, who rents an apartment with his fiance in the northeast.
Lynzee Barnett, his fiance, agreed.
?We?re a young couple, so we manage and get a break when we go to work, but it?s unfair for elderly people who maybe can?t afford to move somewhere with air and never get a break, and it?s unfair to our pets.?
Joudrey, of Neighbourhood Legal Services, acknowledged a lack of regulation and it doesn?t appear regulations to require air conditioners are in the cards.
?I can?t say that it can?t change, but there?s been no discussions that I?m aware of,? Joudrey said.
In the meantime, Londoners like Farrant will do what they can to stay cool.
?I stood in the fridge once for a while; I?m not even kidding.?
- The Middlesex London Health Unit recommends landlords take these actions to decrease the risk of heat-related illness to their residents.
- Provide access to a cooler spot for several hours at a time, such as a common room with air-conditioning or a basement area.
- Keep windows in hallways slightly open to allow air to circulate.
- Use fans to draw cool air at night, but don?t rely on a fan as a primary cooling device during long periods of excessive heat.
- Provide heat safety information to residents or post the information in common areas.
- Have building staff check on at-risk residents every few hours.
- Advise residents to drink lots of water and natural fruit juices even if they don?t feel thirsty.
- Ask residents to keep windows open and the drapes drawn.
- Keep lights off. Do not use stove or oven.
- Suggest residents cool down with cool baths, showers, foot baths or by placing cool, wet towels on their necks or underarms.
?Air conditioners are expensive. The landlord is already paying for utilities. I could only imagine that if everybody in this building has an air conditioner then it would be ridiculously expensive, so having central air would probably save them money.?
? Stefanie Farrant, Platt?s Lane tenant
?In newer buildings, I think AC should be a requirement. In a city that gets as hot and as humid as London does, you need AC just to be able to be somewhat comfortable during this muggy time of year.?
? Erika Faust, Grand Ave. tenant
For a list of London?s current cooling centres:
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